my work is a multidisciplinary testament of personal life experiences.
whether these be expressed through musical, visual or audiovisual mediums,  a certain brazen intimacy is prevalent throughout all works.
this intimacy presents itself in various forms, for example through a photographic study on moiré exploring the relationship between connection and disconnection in a digital space, or through experimenting with impulse responses and varying microphone proximities when producing music to achieve a sort of auditory intimacy. in my short film Curiosity Saved the Cat (2024) I also attempt to establish a visual intimacy between the subject and viewer through the diverse cinematographical and narrative tools.

experimentation is the main component of my creative process, whether it be manipulating media with various software, or just playing around on a midi keyboard. 
apart from the occasional commisioned film scores or video campaigns, my work is rarely premeditated, but rather an a spontaneous and instinctual response to daily occurences; an attitude which I’ve adopted from Davide Sorrenti,  whose life & work has greatly influenced mine.
besides the late photographer, I am equally influenced by works of art in all disciplines,  such as Jim Jarmusch’s films, Alexander McQueen’s garments, Haruki Murakami’s novels, Henri Rousseau’s paintings, Ryuichi Sakamoto’s compositions or Constantin  Brâncuși’s scupltures, though I am overwhelmingly inspired by the subtleties in life, like the scent of mahogany, the fragility of dried up orchid petals, the reciprocated smile of a stranger on the street, or the passion and enthusiasm of my contemporary peers.

below you will find some of my featured works.

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